Don’t Hold Back on your IT Transformation Projects

February 16, 2023

Written by Fraser Norman
Fraser was one of the company's first hires and heads up the channel partner programme for ManagementStudio. When he's not helping our partners to deliver more value to their customers, you'll often find him cycling the Kent coastline or enjoying the countryside with his family.

Times are tough right now. Budgets are tight and uncertainty is all around us. Large organisations staring into the headlights of major IT transformation projects might be thinking “this is all we need.”

Some might succumb to the notion of postponing and ‘make-do.’ After all, migrations and transformations are complex and especially so when the number of users, devices, applications, and locations increase. It makes everything so much more involved and interconnected. Users having access to multiple devices and which applications do they use on which devices? User communication becomes a real headache. Imagine coordinating thousands of surveys, questionnaires, welcome to the project, t-minus emails, etc. With that in mind, it would be very tempting to ‘sweat it out’ for now and wait and see how the global outlook pans out.

For some though, this is not an option. Financial and legal organisations might not have the luxury of a ‘wait and see’ approach. Compliance and governance regulations mean they must keep vital systems up to date.


Traditional manual methods are just not up to the task anymore. If anything, keeping on top of IT operating systems, alone, has become even more complicated since W10 and its regular updates were introduced. Spreadsheets, clipboards, manual email communication and tracking of the packaging process does not give organisations the flexibility and agility to keep up with the pace of change.

This is where ManagementStudio comes in. If you didn’t know, we’ve gone through a rebrand and the change from MigrationStudio to its new monicker was very deliberate. Post W10, it became obvious that change was a constant, and organisations needed to gather around a central source of truth about their entire estate and be able to orchestrate the multiple projects from a ‘command and control’ centre. Hence our brand-new solution became ManagementStudio. It is armed to the teeth with all the tools and flexibility required to keep IT estates ‘as shiny as a new pin,’ whilst keeping everyone up to date via automated communications. We can shave months off the most complicated projects and allow organisations to do much more with their existing resources thus saving hundreds of thousands of £’s. Again, imagine multiple, interconnected projects, with interconnected dependencies, automation of mundane tasks and email communications all being managed through one single interface. And, of course, all this being built around our industry leading AppTracker, giving large organisations unprecedented control over their application lifecycle, before, during and after any migration.

React and Adapt

In a world that is also changing at a rapid rate having the ability to react and change at a tempo that suits you is now ever more important. Who would have thought working from home would have become so prevalent 3 years ago? But with ManagementStudio the data you need for change is already there, so why not use it. Many of our customers used ManagementStudio to migrate users to VDI and do it right first time. Sending out automated surveys to understand if they have the right environment and facilities at home. Automatically collaborating with suppliers to ensure laptops, thin clients and other equipment are sent to the correct address, keeping engineers and other resources ‘in the loop’ automatically so they know which devices and users need remediating; these are just a few of the elements that ManagementStudio brought to the table during those changes.

Change to Grow

And this is not change for changes sake either. There is a genuine business benefit for those who can move quickly and still maintain a good customer experience. Whilst those who hesitate, or cannot be as agile, flounder and upset their customers (and users), your company can have their users operating comfortably from home or anywhere in a shorter timescale. Rolling out Zoom or MS Teams to those who need it was utterly essential during the pandemic and some did it better than others. Being able to identify the users who have the relevant kit and bandwidth at home and rolling out that software whilst remediating those users who do not comply, became a daily past-time for many organisations. ManagementStudio was there, ready and waiting to assist in orchestrating this necessary change at a pace that suited and in accordance to a plan and just one of the many projects that can be managed at any given time.

So why hold back on your IT Transformation Projects? With ManagementStudio they become continuous processes, rather than ‘big bang’ migrations. Keeping your estate up to date has just become a lot easier!

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