Create Polls/Voting in Email Messages

Create Polls/Voting in Email Messages

It is easy to create a poll in ManagementStudio simply by including voting buttons in an email message. Voting buttons is a useful feature, which can help collect the end-users’ decisions with email messages easily. When end-users respond using the voting buttons, an...
Roadmap: 2023 Q1

Roadmap: 2023 Q1

With ManagementStudio approaching it’s first birthday, we wanted to share some of the top new features that we have planned for 2023 Q1.  While most of these features are in Beta, we would always recommend that you contact your ManagementStudio technical account...
Meet ups are back

Meet ups are back

Meet ups are back and it was ACE!! No, literally, it was – but I will come to that in a moment. Well, what a month October was! We had our first ‘in-person’ event since September 2019! And it was ACE! We were slightly nervous, as it has been such a long time since we...
A New Way to Manage Your Apps

A New Way to Manage Your Apps

If you’re involved with managing your application estate, you’re going to love what we’re about to launch! What’s Your App Management Strategy? We get to work with a lot of customers in different sectors, but there’s one common theme across most organisations:...
Delivering High-Quality Services in the NHS

Delivering High-Quality Services in the NHS

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel One of the key areas where NHS Trusts across the UK have suffered over the past few years is with IT system interruptions impacting the ability for staff to provide the high-quality services that patients have come to expect. How can...